I hereby give Thomas Olesen my full recommendation. He has delivered outstanding quality results an most important he possesses the ability to both work very analytically and strategically and at the same time having the people and process skills to implement. This was the reason for me to appoint him to be responsible for the implementation of the new vision and strategy for FIAT. A job he has fulfilled to my full satisfaction.
Claudio San Pedro
F. CEO Fiat BU
Thomas brings a sharp and clear business mind to the problems he encounters. He always has his fact straight and his conclusions flow logically from them. He is able to make his discussions and arguments on the basis of evidence not emotion. He has a great focus. When pursuing a situation, he keeps himself and others on track. This aptitude lets him finish the work on time and is complete on delivery.
Glen Markham
F. European Planning Director
Leo Burnett
I have worked with Thomas during my interim appointment as Head of the World-Wide Coordination Centre for Fiat. During this period, we handled for him the whole Brand Vision implementation process, which he headed. I believe that he will be tremendously valuable for whatever company, that is able to convince him to work for them.
Eugenia Evangelista
F. CEO Black Pencil Milan
Thomas er usædvanlig visionær og strategisk stærk.Han er utrolig engageret når han påtager sig en opgave.
Han forstår i udpræget grad at sætte sig ind i markedsforhold og kundernes behov.
Godt humør og positivt livssyn åbner mange døre.
Lasse Fredskov
F. MP Sam Headhunting
“Thomas har et godt overblik og en stærk evne til at gennemskue komplekse problemer og sammenhænge.
Med et solidt internationalt afsæt har Thomas et skarpt blik på og et stærkt indblik i relationerne mellem virksomheder og kunder.
Denne markeds- og kundeindsigt bringer ham langt i forståelsen af virksomhedens muligheder for at manøvrere og træffe strategiske valg”.
Lars Risager,
MD Geberit Nordic /Baltic
Loyaltor ApS
CVR: 38715976
Telefon: +45 31 705 705
Email: thomas@loyaltor.dk